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Stand By…In Patience

Years ago I used this scripture to help me in marriage. What I love about reading these revelations, is that they have a universal nature to them. The words can be for me just like they were (originally) for Joseph. Here’s what I read:

Therefore be diligent; stand by my servant Joseph, faithfully, in whatsoever difficult circumstances he may be for the word’s sake.

Admonish him in his faults, and also receive admonition of him. Be patient; be sober; be temperate; have patience, faith, hope and charity.

When I substitute my spouse for the name Joseph, I see counsel to me in my marriage. Stay together, work through challenges, be patient and have patience.

Sometimes we have unmet expectations that life will be easy once we get married. In reality, getting married is the beginning of a life-long journey. I say life-long because even those who divorce are still connected emotionally to significant people in their lives. Life teaches us lessons all along the way.

Recently, we talked about praying for charity in our family. One unique thing about Jesus’ teachings is that he spoke of our obligation to others. Yes, he taught a spiritual and individual religious observance but he made it personal to serve others. When other people are mean spirited and selfish, it seems easier to retreat into isolation. Yet, Jesus taught us to pray for our enemies and love them. This goes way beyond what is personally satisfying by making us push past our comfort level.

In marriage, it becomes necessary to pray for charity. The comfort of marriage may wear thin but with charity, we give grace for the weaknesses of our partner. We all know that we ourselves are not perfect. We can see our own growth and development over time. Living with someone who is also not perfect and changing over time means that in the interim, we have to give them a lot of charity. It’s hard. I see hope coming in to play here — hope that our spouse will someday become equal to the challenges they face.

The only real comfort we have is in Christ. He offers us comfort by telling us to focus on the nail prints in his hands and feet. (D&C 6:36-37) Why would this comfort us? I can only speculate that his suffering was greater than ours and he overcame by faith in the Father. If we can focus on Him, we will overcomes also— in time.


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