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Living in the Truth Before I See it Realized

I'm living in abundant joy and remission of sins. I see it as if it already were a reality even though I still have dark days. This calm assurance brings joy despite hard times. My inestimable worth was affirmed by Jesus Christ as he hung on a cross.

Long ago, a group of believers, called Nephites, looked forward to joy too. They took care of the poor and needy looking forward to the day of Christ's redemption as if He had already paid the infinite price for their own needs and those of the poor. They lived with perfect hope as if the joy of Eternal Life with God was already theirs to experience. And with that expectation, on the day of his luminous arrival they were filled with the overflowing joy of realization.

It happened shortly after a series of natural disasters. From heaven they heard a voice saying, "I did send down fire and destroy them that their wickedness and abominations might be hid from before my face." Then hours later as the darkness retreats and the sun comes out, the people experience the realization and praise God. They naturally gather to discuss what has just occurred when they hear another voice. It says, "Behold my Beloved Son. In whom I have glorified my name, Hear ye Him." Looking up into the sky they see the resurrected Messiah descending in radiance and glory.

For centuries, this group of believers had lived as if the anticipated reality of his coming was in the past. The anticipation was handed down from generations before with such intense emotion, it became a national longing. As they continued to reassert this long held desire to receive the Messiah, he came.

As a gift to them, he stretched out his hands explaining how he had suffered to do his Father’s will. He invited each person to individually feel the prints of the nails in his hands and feet. It took some time but in this way, he personally witnessed to each person the truth of the redemption that they had lived to behold.

I too expect to be invited to receive a similar witness at some point. Can you imagine approaching Christ, the Messiah, as if it already happened? Do you live as if the Messiah has already redeemed your soul from hell. Passing through the veil of unbelief, you reach out and touch his hand. The marks in his hands and wrists are still there. His hands are strong and reassuring. With them he paid the inestimable price. His gift is to show you how much you are personally worth.

I imagine approaching one at a time. I joyfully anticipate my turn. I gratefully acknowledge the truth that he has redeemed me and is helping me to understand the personal nature of his gift. I kneel at His feet. He smiles at me. He knows all my sorrows and the great desire of my heart to be with him in Eternal Life. He invites me to rise.




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