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The Only Surviving Heir to Zedekiah’s Throne

Just as Jesus Christ, born to Mary, was the literal heir to the throne of David, (Matt 1:1-16, Luke 3:23-38) so another heir survived and will someday be revealed. This story is not unlike the story of Anastasia where the rumor of a surviving heir of Tzar Nicolas was kept alive in the imaginations of the people. In this story, Mulek, the only surving heir to Jewish King Zedekiah’s throne survives, despite the account of all Zedekiah’s sons being killed before his eyes. (Jer 39:6)

If Zedekiah was married at fifteen, king at twenty-one, and overthrown at thirty-two, then Mulek couldn’t have been much more than fifteen himself (and married). The story of Mulek’s journey to a “promised land” has been lost but we know that he was led by God in his escape. (Omni 1:16) His descendants remained incognito for four hundred years. During that time, they were ruled by kings in a civilization that eventually lost literacy in the ancient Hebrew language and also the religious beliefs of their fathers. The Book of Mormon chronicles the reuniting of their civilization with the Nephite civilization who also came out of Jerusalem at about the same time. It is King Mosiah who takes this group of people and teaches them the language so they can read the records that Lehi brought out of Jerusalem when he left. (See Omni 1:18; see also Mosiah 1:3–7.) Even though the descendants of Mulek had the right to rule, due to their illiteracy and loss of spirituality, the Nephites, a smaller portion of the society remained the leaders of both the secular and spiritual parts of the government.

This is about all we know about the descendants of Mulek. “And at the time that Mosiah discovered them, they had become exceedingly numerous. Nevertheless, they had had many wars and serious contentions, and had fallen by the sword from time to time; and their language had become corrupted; and they had brought no records with them; and they denied the being of their Creator; and Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, could understand them.” (Omni 1:17.)

The faith of the descendants of Lehi infuses new life into the descendants of Mulek. The testimony of spiritual giants like Alma and Abinadi help to awaken many people to the light of knowledge that guided the great Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is important because it helps them prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ to their civilization immediately after the time of his death.

While it is true that the royal line of Zedekiah has once again lost it’s identity, God knows who they are. And just as Jesus was born to the “right” family, this family of Jewish descent still has a role to play. It may be others in modern times, like the descendants of Lehi anciently, whose testimony will rekindle the knowledge of the Patriarchs in their hearts. In truth, we all must prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ when he will reign over the House of David and all believers who have been adopted into that family. The role of ancient records (both the Bible and the Book of Mormon) will be instrumental in facilitating modern Israel’s return to the faith.

Sources and Notes:

Wilson, Garth A. “The Mulekites.” Ensign March 1987.

“At the time of the Savior’s birth, Israel was ruled by alien monarchs. The rights of the royal Davidic family were unrecognized; and the ruler of the Jews was an appointee of Rome. Had Judah been a free and independent nation, ruled by her rightful sovereign, Joseph the carpenter would have been her crowned king; and his lawful successor to the throne would have been Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” (Talmage, James. Jesus the Christ, p. 87.)



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