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Is there hope for Murderers?

Imagine looking in on a woman crying. She is crying over the dead body of her son because she is his mother. She is also crying because he is a murderer and she believes in Hell. Is there any peace for this mother or for the murderer?

Most religions have a “Hell.” Everyone knows that bad people go there because they use this in their profanity. But do you know what happens after we die and how both justice and mercy come into play?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches a more complete doctrine about life after death that offers peace to the sin-bound soul. Once place where this doctrine is taught simply is in 2 Nephi 9. In verse 10 it says, “O how great the goodness of our God who prepared a way for our escape from the grasp of this awful monster, yea, that monster, death and hell…”

In explaining how someone could escape death and hell, I will show you how God plans to save us when there seems to be no way. Isaiah aptly referred to God as he “that hath made [in] the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over.” (Isa 51:10, 2 Ne 8:10)

So when a person dies, they enter a temporary state (sometimes referred to by Catholics as purgatory). In this state their body is separate from their spirit and they await a final judgement. In the Church of Jesus Christ, we teach that there are two halves of this state. One half is called Paradise. Good people wait there. The other half is called Hell. Bad people, including Murderers, wait there. In Hell there is weeping for the sins committed as there should be.

However, both Death and Hell must release their prisoners (2 Ne 9:12-13). Jesus Christ broke the bands of both physical death and spiritual death (Hell). In his sinless sacrifice for all mankind, he paid the price for all our sins. So after a murderer has waited in Hell for a requisite amount of time, he or she will be released to go before the judgement seat of God and receive a final reward.

I say reward because God is love and He knows how to give good gifts to his children. Each one of his children will receive a just reward that is also merciful. When Jesus was here on Earth, he said, “In my father’s house there are many mansions.” The Church of Jesus Christ teaches that there are many kingdoms of glory where the children of God will reside after their final judgement.

One of the caveats that allows God to be both just and merciful to sinners is the idea that, “Where there is no law given, there is no punishment, and where there is no punishment there is no condemnation; and where there is no condemnation, the mercies of the Holy One of Israel have claim upon them, because of the atonement; for they are delivered by the power of Him.”

This means that those who do not have “The Law” given to them can not be punished by it. For many of God’s children, there has been a lack of knowledge about what exactly is “The Law.” The Mosaic law was given to the Israelites. When Jesus was alive, he superimposed a higher law on the Mosaic law which gave greater meaning and purpose to His teachings. Those who are “spiritually minded” will sow seeds that result in life-giving joy and happiness. Those who are “carnally minded” will find that their efforts die in futility. These and many other consequences naturally occur in accordance with God’s laws. While some people seem to “get away” without experiencing the full consequences of their actions, there are always natural consequences for every action.

All throughout our lives, God makes attempts to reach us. He offers us a life-line at critical junctures. As it says in 2 Ne 26:13, “He manifesteth himself unto all those who believer in Him, by the power of the Holy Ghost, yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue and people working might miracles, signs and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith.” That scripture does not exclude anyone based on their crede. It includes everyone who believes and who responds to God when He shows up in their life. In justice and mercy, God will individually work with each one of us to restore us to His greatest blessings.

Note: Members of the Church of Jesus Christ who have read and accepted Doctrine & Covenants 42 as law are not eligible for forgiveness if they commit murder and shed innocent blood. Their fate will be determined at the judgement day.



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