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Making Christ-Centered Goals

When we think of New Years resolutions we might be tempted to say, “I hate my life and I want to fix this or fix that.”

God doesn’t “fix” things, he creates things (note the difference). Jacob 4:9 says, “The earth was created by the power of His (God’s) word.”

Following Christ’s example then - setting goals is an act of creation by the power of our word.

Nephi and his brothers were told to get the plates of Laban. Laman and Lemuel complained and resisted. Nephi was able to accept it and act in faith.

Likewise, our goals must not be worded as complaints. In addition, our attitude should be based on faith in the future not resistance to the present or past. If, like Nephi we accept the state of things as they are now and act in faith, we will succeed in creating a new reality… even if it will require a miracle.

Fighting Hopelessness

Some of us feel stuck. When we don’t see ourselves making progress we assume that we are stuck and this sometimes leads to a feeling of hopelessness or depression. The scriptures say, “Having all these witnesses we obtain a hope,” that things will work out and “our faith becometh unshaken insomuch that we can command in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us or the mountains or the waves of the sea. Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things.” (Jacob 4:6-7)

One remedy for hopelessness is to collect a “body of witnesses.” Last year at this time, I made a goal to start writing a journal. I had stopped writing and felt like changing the fact. Rather than go back and write all the missed journal entries, I accepted myself. I created a new reality by purchasing a 5-year journal. In it there is only room for one paragraph per day but I have been successful at recording the little miracles and inspirations over a year. Journaling can be an act of gratitude. As I look back at a year’s worth of journal entries I can see that I have enough and God is watching over me. The many small examples builds up a body of witnesses to give me the hope I need in a future that is not visible now. With hope, I can exert the faith to move forward.

Are you able to see God’s hand in your life? If not, maybe you need a journal where you can record the small things so that you can see the larger pattern.

You might rightly conclude that progress will require a miracle. Are there miracles today? Absolutely! Because Nephi’s brothers were discouraged, he reminded them of how Moses parted the Red Sea for the Israelites. I could retell to you, a modern Saint, the story of how the early Latter-day Saints crossed the Mississippi River after Nauvoo was burned. Does receiving a miracle mean there are no Egyptians, no mobs of angry citizens? No! Miracles happen in every nation according to the faith of the children of men. “And that he manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty miracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith.” 2 Ne 26:13

You might recall a dissimilar aspect of the story: the fact that the Lord didn’t part the Mississippi for the Saints. But they didn’t need help crossing — they needed shelter from the winter weather. And so it happens that the people on the other bank opened their homes to the refugees and gave them a place to stay. That was the miracle they needed.

Ammon’s Example

Think about the story of Ammon, the Nephite rebel turned missionary (Alma 17-19). He went to serve the Lamanites with the goal to create a new reality that they would believe his words. The Book of Mormon emphasizes that this was not a realistic goal. It had been tried before and was never successful. So Ammon went to their land and got into a situation where sheep were constantly being stolen and the servants of the king were killed because of it.

The other Lamanites “wept because of fear of being slain.” Ammon didn’t complain. He said, “My brethren, be of good cheer and let us go in search of the flocks, and we will gather them together” (Alma 17:31) And it happened that on that occasion, they were able to gather all the sheep together. But, the bad guys came again.

Ammon could have given up. We might be inclined to give up, but the forces of evil never give up. And so Ammon had to try a new tactic to defend the flocks. “But Ammon stood forth and began to cast stones at them with his sling; yea, with mighty power he did sling stones amongst them; and thus he slew a certain number of them insomuch that they began to be astonished at his power;” (Alma 17:36) When we run into an obstacle to achieving our goal, we might have to try a new tactic like Ammon.

A Wet Texas Story

I remember a big rain storm on the day of graduation. My friend had a creek that ran across her driveway and it was flowing. She saw an obstacle to attending her son’s graduation. But she didn’t give up and go back home. She put on her swimsuit and waded through waist deep water. The fact that she arrived at graduation in a swimsuit was somewhat surprising but she quickly changed. She didn’t get a miracle, she got creative!

Creativity is an important skill in making and achieving goals. It’s root comes from the word “create.” We have to use our mind to solve a problem or create a new reality in advance. Sometimes we say that we “imagine” the possibilities. God created the world in this way before sending down his Son to physically bring it into being.

Designers use this skill to create plans and proposals. Collecting a visual representation of your goals and putting it on paper allows you to see the end result and maybe tweak it to where you like it. Most goals are edited along the way. That’s ok! That is part of the process.

Joseph Smith’s Example

Joseph Smith set out to translate the Book of Mormon. He had to edit his goal a little when Martin Harris lost the manuscript. The Lord told him not to retranslate the lost portion but to go on without it. What the Lord didn’t say was, “I have prepared a way for you to accomplish the thing which I have commanded despite human error. I had Nephi write two versions of that part more than two thousand years ago!”

Do you think the Lord has prepared a way for you to succeed despite human errors? Do you think he has plans for you to fail? There is an ending to your story that is more glorious than you can imagine if you don’t give up — or give in to evil.

Paul said it best in Romans 8:21, “The creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”

The Lord Prepared for Ammon’s Success

Didn’t the Lord prepare Abish, the Lamanite woman to help spread the news when Ammon, the King and his queen were all lying on the ground? Because of her, some of the Lamanites believed the miracle when their King told them about it. While some complained, others said, “their hearts had been changed and they had no more desire to do evil.” Thankfully, Ammon was not killed before he realized the success.

Making and achieving a goal like choosing to change your heart. Desire is at the center of what we actually do in life. If your desires change, then you will want the new reality that your goal describes.

Anyone who has tried to change their desire for sweets will know how hard it is. But some have successfully done it by slowly transferring the desire for sweets to other things.

Alma said, “I know that he granteth unto men according to their desire whether it be unto death or unto life; yea, I know that he allotteth unto men, yea, decreeth unto them decrees which are unalterable, according to their wills, whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction.” (Alma 29:4)

Whatever state you are currently in or whatever state you choose to move in to, is in large part a consequence of your desires. That doesn’t mean we can all start complaining about the state of things. Instead we must live in gratitude by accepting our state and our self as we currently see it. Then we collect our witnesses that God is helping us and when we have enough hope in a future reality, then we are able to overcome any obstacle with our faith.

I have observed that the stress of change usually kills off one of my hens in the coop. Luckily we are not chickens and change won’t kill us.

Maybe you are asking yourself, “What goal should I set?” In my opinion, the best goals are the ones God reveals to you in your quiet moments. “Behold I will make [my will] known unto you, not by the way of commandment, for there are many who observe not to keep my commandments. But unto him that keepeth my commandments I will give the mysteries of my kingdom, and the same shall be in him a well of living water, springing up unto everlasting life.” (D&C 63:22-23)

The Prophet’s Call to Prepare

Our prophet has encouraged all of us to set a goal and act in faith to prepare for April Conference. If I was to commemorate the 50th wedding anniversary of my parents, I might buy streamers and blow up helium balloons. If I were thinking about celebrating the anniversary of the restored gospel, I might write a poem or a song to express my feelings. President Nelson said, “Select your own questiion. Design your own plan. Act on any of these invitations to prepare yourself for sharing the important messages of the ongoing Restoration. It is your personal preparation that will help April’s general conference become for you not only memorable, but unforgettable. The time to act is now.”

When you want to do something proactive, but don’t know what — and — you are open to inspiration, God will honor that and provide direction or guidance. To me, making and achieving Christ-centered goals means that God is at the center of what we do and when. He has prepared a way. We create a new reality and act in faith to change our desires. The miracles happen along the way, showing us that God is aware of us and helping us overcome obstacles and become new creatures.

Try out the exercise version of these ideas. By doing these ideas in a workout, you can convince yourself to "break the glass ceiling" and attract miracles and ultimately succeed.



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